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Friday Facts #278 - The new quickbar

Posted by Twinsen, Klonan on 2019-01-18

It's finally here (Twinsen) The proposal was first mentioned more than 1 and a half years ago, in FFF-191. Since then, we kept mentioning it in our blog posts and players kept asking about it. After a lot of back and forth within the team on whether we should implement it or not, and how it should work, we finally have it almost finished for 0.17.

Friday Facts #196 - Back on track

Posted by Rseding91, Twinsen & Klonan on 2017-06-23

Hello, after a lot of planning and preparation, the party on Saturday went very well. We really enjoyed spending time with some of our fans, and it has definitely sharpened our motivation to do right by our community and make the game as great as possible. With this festivity behind us, we started this week with some renewed focus.

Friday Facts #384 - Combinators 2.0

Posted by kovarex, Klonan on 2023-11-10

Hello, we are going to focus on the general improvements of the way circuit network is used in the game. I wasn't using it often, because all the problems combined made it too big of a hassle most of the time, which was an indication of problems. So we improved each part of the process of using it a little, from UI, to feedback of what is going on, to stronger/more accessible combinator functionality. I can say that it worked, at least for me. Once these changes were available, I used the circuit network way more in my latest playthrough, and it felt good, so lets hope it won't be just me :)

Friday Facts #60 - Tests all around

Posted by Tomas on 2014-11-14

Hey guys, here comes the weekly dose of Factorio-world information for you. We have crafted it just before we leave for a gdsession warm-up party. Gdsession is quite a big game development conference here in Prague. This is the first year we are going to participate. And actually tonight we will have a short (10 minutes) talk about what we do (well, about Factorio obviously).

Friday Facts #427 - Combat Balancing & Space Age LAN

Posted by Klonan on 2024-09-06

Hello, We are a bit busy this week hosting a small LAN party with some fans and community members to playtest the Space Age expansion, so this FFF might be a little bit shorter than normal.

Friday Facts #388 - Smaller things for 2.0

Posted by kovarex, raiguard, Klonan on 2023-12-08

Hello, we have shown some bigger things recently, so it is time to also show some smaller things, because the bigger things wouldn't shine that good without the smaller things working properly!

Friday Facts #373 - Factorio: Space Age

Posted by kovarex, Earendel on 2023-08-25

Hello, long time no see! Today we are going to talk about the expansion which is called Factorio: Space Age.

Friday Facts #288 - New remnants, More bugs

Posted by Wheybags, Rseding, Dom, Albert on 2019-03-29

Removing RTL language translations Wheybags I'm sorry to say that we have removed the RTL language translations (Hebrew and Arabic) in 0.17.20. Until this point we've had a half implementation of RTL languages, where the text is simply flipped when we download it from Crowdin. This 'works' for a decent proportion of things, but not nearly 100%. In order to attain the level of polish we want for the 1.0 release, we would need to spend a lot of time implementing proper support for RTL layouts. This just doesn't make sense for us given our current goals, and the proportion of our player base which uses these languages (less than 0.1%). We decided that instead of completely gutting the translations, we could leave them in for those who enjoy them, but not to offer them in the GUI as defaults. The languages will remain up on Crowdin, and the locale files will still be present in game, but there will be no option in the in-game language options dialog to choose them. If you want to use an RTL language, you will have to manually edit your config file to set your locale. Detailed instructions are available on our forum. What this also means, is that we won't be investigating any bug reports about RTL issues.

Friday Facts #156 - Massive Multiplayer

Posted by Tomas on 2016-09-16

Hi all, sometimes, writing FFF feels like spitting out blood - there is simply very little to write about. Yet the Factorio blog subscriber crowd is there and waiting ... Sometimes it is the opposite and there is abundance of interesting topics available. Today it is the latter case. Enjoy!

Friday Facts #416 - Fluids 2.0

Posted by raiguard on 2024-06-21

Hello, Grab your best lube, because it's time to talk about fluids!